Sunday, November 07, 2004

Seedling Reports - 1 Apple

Out into the garden to check the seedlings from 2003. These were planted in February/March on various young trees around the garden ( no older trees available as the garden is only 5 years old). Hope to be doing similar checks on some of the London mistletoe plantings next week - there's a meeting of the London Mistletoe Action Plan next Tuesday. The plantings there will be more difficult to review - as most are on more mature - and much taller - trees. More on those soon.
But for now, just the saplings - and first stop is the apple. Apple is mistletoe's favourite UK host and so these should be doing well - and so they are - even though there're only about 10 mm long. Mistletoe does develop annoyingly slowly in its first 2 years - just a small growth from the seed to the host in year 1 and then a slightly larger growth out from the host in year 2.
The pics below show two separate plants - one with its first true leaves.

2 year-old mistletoe seedlings on apple - the one on the left has formed its first true leaves Posted by Hello